The Basin Characterization Model
Detailed Description
The Basin Characterization Model relies on climate input and the rigorous development of potential evapotranspiration to move water through the soil profile and into underlying bedrock to become recharge or runoff. [MPa, megapascal]
Public Domain.
Incorporating Impacts of Wildfire and Vegetation Recovery into a Watershed Model of the Feather River Basin
Basin Characterization Model (BCM)
Basin Characterization Model (BCM)
The Basin Characterization Model (BCM) models the interactions of climate with empirically measured landscape attributes including topography, soils, and underlying geology. It is a grid-based model that calculates the water balance for each 18-acre cell (270m resolution) in a given watershed in set time steps for the entire area.
Incorporating Impacts of Wildfire and Vegetation Recovery into a Watershed Model of the Feather River Basin
Basin Characterization Model (BCM)
Basin Characterization Model (BCM)
The Basin Characterization Model (BCM) models the interactions of climate with empirically measured landscape attributes including topography, soils, and underlying geology. It is a grid-based model that calculates the water balance for each 18-acre cell (270m resolution) in a given watershed in set time steps for the entire area.