Basin Characterization Model: Future Scenarios for Indian Wells Valley

Detailed Description
Annual time series of precipitation and average air temperature for three future climate models for Indian Wells Valley, California as simulated by the Basin Characterization Model. Three future climate projections were selected from among 20 models used for California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment for application to Indian Wells Valley. The 3 models chosen are all from the business-as-usual emissions scenario and represent a range in future projected climate conditions from wet to dry. Annual time series of precipitation and average air temperature for the three future climate models are shown, illustrating a rise in air temperature for all models of 4-5 degrees C by end of century, and a range of changes in precipitation from +47% to -22%, depending on the model. Climate and hydrologic data for these three future projections are available via web-based download for all sub-watersheds contributing to the principal aquifer in the Indian Wells Valley.
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