Boats of Powell's Second Expedition

Detailed Description
Left bank of Green River. Boats of Powell's Second Expedition, before the start of the journey. The boats are "Canonita," "Emma Dean," and "Nellie Powell." Just below the Union Pacific Railroad bridge at Green River Station. The famous eleven of the Powell party were Andy Hattan, W. Clement Powell, S.V. Jones, Major John W. Powell, Frederick S. Dellenbaugh, Professor Almon Harris Thompson, John F. Steward, F.M. Bishop, Frank C.A. Richardson, Jack Hillers, and E.O. Beaman. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1871.
Additional information typed on back of similar photograph, 57-PS-506: Green River - Just below Union Pacific Railway Bridge at Green River, Wyoming - left bank with boats of Powell's 2nd Expedition - 1871. Men, left to right: 1. Beaman 2. Hattan 3. Clem Powell 4. Jones 5. Hillers 6. Major Powell 7. Dellenbaugh 8. Prof. Thompson 9. Steward 10. Bishop 11. Richardson. Boats, left to right: 1. Canonita 2. Emma Dean 3. Nellie Powell. At extreme left is Beaman's dark box open. Beaman Photo 1871.
Public Domain.