Coastal vulnerability of sea-level rise
By Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
2000 (approx.)
Detailed Description
National assessment of coastal vulnerability of sea-level rise: U.S. Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf of Mexico coasts.
Public Domain.
Sea Level and Climate
Sea level and climate. If you wondering how they relate to one another all you need to think of is water storage. How does the earth store water during cold periods and how is water stored when the earth warms? If you're curious about the delicate connection the earth has between climate and sea level, don't stop here. Read on!
National Assessment of Coastal Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise
The original national coastal vulnerability index (CVI) assessment was motivated by expected accelerated sea-level rise (SLR) and the uncertainty in the response of the coastline to SLR. This research was conducted between 1999 and 2001, and is currently being updated using new data sources and methodology. This original study was part of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project.
Sea Level and Climate
Sea level and climate. If you wondering how they relate to one another all you need to think of is water storage. How does the earth store water during cold periods and how is water stored when the earth warms? If you're curious about the delicate connection the earth has between climate and sea level, don't stop here. Read on!
National Assessment of Coastal Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise
The original national coastal vulnerability index (CVI) assessment was motivated by expected accelerated sea-level rise (SLR) and the uncertainty in the response of the coastline to SLR. This research was conducted between 1999 and 2001, and is currently being updated using new data sources and methodology. This original study was part of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project.