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Cornus florida, Dogwood in bud, Howard County, Md,

Detailed Description

The dogwood of the people. Cornus florida. Planted widely. Formerly forming a subcanopy of white in the spring in much of the eastern forests. Then, the Dogwood Anthracnose comes and most of those interior woodland dogwood are now gone and dogwood is largely confined to edges of woodlands or plantings in the open. Specimen and photo by Helen Lowe Metzman. Click on the unfolding bloom, lovely in its details. Photography Information: Canon Mark II 5D, Zerene Stacker, Stackshot Sled, 200mm Pentax-m with Nikon 10X infinity microscope objective lens mounted on front , Twin Macro Flash in Styrofoam Cooler, F5.6, ISO 100, Shutter Speed 200Love for Other ThingsIt 's easy to love a deerBut try to care about bugs and scrawny treesLove the puddle of lukewarm waterFrom last week 's rain.Leave the mountains alone for now.Also the clear lakes surrounded by pines.People are lined up to admire them. USGSBIML Photoshopping Technique: Note that we now have added using the burn tool at 50% opacity set to shadows to clean up the halos that bleed into the black background from "hot" color sections of the picture.


Public Domain.

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