Cropland Percent to Total Global Cropland

Detailed Description
Figure 1. Cropland area % by Country as a % of the total net cropland areas of the world (1.873 billion hectares). Percentage cropland areas by country for the nominal year 2015, derived using Landsat 30-m time-series data, machine learning algorithms (e.g., Random Forest, support vector machines, recurssive heirarchical segmentation), and petabyte-scale big-data computing on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud. Croplands as percentage of the total net global cropland area (1.873 billion hectares). The product is produced for the NASA and USGS funded global food security-support analysis data @ 30-m (GFSAD30). For further details visit:
Courtesy: Teluguntla, P., Thenkabail, P.S, Xiong, J., and Oliphant, A.