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Deploying a weather station for Hurricane Ian

Detailed Description

As part of the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP), USGS works with several partner agencies to increase our knowledge of how storms impact and shape our coasts. While Hurricane Ian was approaching, a team deployed cross-shore transects of instruments at two specific locations across the cone of uncertainty to record time series data while the storm passed by. These instruments included oceanographic buoys, water level and wave sensors secured to the end of piers and on the beach. These sensors were able to record an impressive amount of data at frequent time intervals and capture the spatial variability in the storm’s wave-driven and surge impacts at these locations of interest. The data collected on these numerous parameters are being used to re-create the storm in computer simulations to see which aspects of the storm are most important for accurately predicting what hazardous impacts may happen at the coastline.

Here, Bryce McClenney stands beside a weather station, used to measure wind, rain, and atmospheric pressure, deployed at Clearwater Beach, Florida.

Learn more about USGS work during Hurricane Ian.


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