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Factors related to PFAS occurrence in public- and domestic-supply wells in the eastern U.S.

Detailed Description

Graph showing factors related to the occurrence  of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in public- and domestic-supply wells in the eastern United States. 

The presence of tritium, an indicator of modern, or recently recharged groundwater, was the strongest predictor or PFAS in wells.  Distance to the nearest fire training facility, dissolved organic carbon concentration, urban land use, the sum of all volatile organic compounds, sulfate, and chloride were also strong predictors.

Blue tick marks along the x-axes of the inset panels indicate the variable minimum, maximum, and deciles of the model training dataset. Dist., distance; DOC, dissolved organic carbon; Pct., percent; VOC, volatile organic compound; Ag., agriculture; Est. N, estimated nitrogen; Mft, manufacturing; FRS, facility registration service; Mfg, manufacturing; Prdts, products; TU, tritium unit; km, kilometer; mg/L, milligram per liter.


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