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Faults and features of the Big Sur area

Detailed Description

Shaded-relief map of central California showing location of the Big Sur area (white dashed line). Red line shows the San Gregorio-Hosgri fault (SGHF) and the Big Sur Bend between Point Sur (PS) and Piedras Blancas (PB). Black lines show other faults. Figure 1 from the published USGS report in Tectonics; see report for additional information.


Public Domain.

Neotectonics of the Big Sur Bend, San Gregorio‐Hosgri Fault System, Central California
Johnson, S.Y., Watt, J.T., Hartwell, S.R., and Kluesner, J.W., 2018, Neotectonics of the Big Sur Bend, San Gregorio‐Hosgri fault system, central California: Tectonics, published online 31 May 2018,

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