Figure 1 from Mims, et al. (2018)

Detailed Description
Three geographic study extents analyzed for native fishes, amphibians, and reptiles of Oregon, USA, including: (A) the Oregon state boundary; (B) three-state extent (Oregon, Washington, Idaho); and (C) Ecoregional overlap with Oregon. Ectothermic vertebrate occurrence data for (D) freshwater fishes, (E) amphibians, and (F) reptiles native to Oregon, USA. VertNet data are shown in blue (D–F), Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife fish dataset is shown in orange (D), and comprehensive tri-state reptile dataset is shown in orange (F).
Reprinted from Biological Conservation, V. 228, Mims, et al., Functional and geographic components of risk for climate sensitive vertebrates in the Pacific Northwest, USA, Pages 183-194, Copyright 2018, with permission from Elsevier
Functional and geographic components of risk for climate sensitive vertebrates in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Mims, M.C., Olson, D.H., Pilliod, D.S., Dunham, J.B., 2018, Functional and geographic components of risk for climate sensitive vertebrates in the Pacific Northwest, USA: Biological Conservation, v. 228, p. 183-194,