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Hurricane Isaias (2020) Flood and Storm Tracker Map for Zebra Mussels

Detailed Description

Hurricane Isaias (2020) Flood and Storm Tracker (FaST) Map for Zebra Mussels

Flooding related to hurricanes and tropical storms can help spread non-native aquatic plants and animals, like zebra mussels, into new waterbodies. Once established, they have the potential to cause infrastructural damage (e.g., block pipes) and upset aquatic food webs by preying on native species. The USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) program, which houses records for non-native aquatic species across the nation, creates Flood and Storm Tracker (FaST) maps which help managers track and manage the potential spread of non-native aquatic species into new water bodies via storm-related flooding.

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