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Wetland and Aquatic Research Center

WARC conducts relevant and objective research, develops new approaches and technologies, and disseminates scientific information needed to understand, manage, conserve, and restore wetlands and other aquatic and coastal ecosystems and their associated plant and animal communities throughout the nation and the world. 


Almost 1,000 sea turtles returned to the wild after being saved from frigid water in Florida

Almost 1,000 sea turtles returned to the wild after being saved from frigid water in Florida

Helene and Milton potentially spread invasive species to new locations in Florida and Georgia

Helene and Milton potentially spread invasive species to new locations in Florida and Georgia

USGS scientists find new relationship between elevation change and wetland loss in Mississippi River Delta

USGS scientists find new relationship between elevation change and wetland loss in Mississippi River Delta


Video evidence of a Red-eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) preying upon a live Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) duckling in Louisiana

Most animal matter in the diet of the omnivorous Trachemys scripta (Pond Slider) consists of invertebrate prey items such as insects, crustaceans, and mollusks, but often also includes fish and amphibians. Reptiles, birds, and mammals are less commonly reported, and even when found, it is usually unknown if they were captured alive, as Pond Sliders will certainly scavenge dead animals...
Brad Glorioso, Alex Landry, Gabrielle Mandill

Waterfront property owners' shoreline preferences amid salt marsh to mangrove transitions

1. We examined the influence of mangrove encroachment into salt marsh areas along the northern Gulf of Mexico (USA) on waterfront property owners' perceptions of coastal health and preferences for shoreline management. 2. Using mail-in and online surveys, we targeted over 3000 waterfront property owners across four jurisdictions experiencing or anticipating mangrove encroachment. 3. Our...
Jahson B. Alemu I, A. Randall Hughes, Michael Osland, Savannah H. Swinea, Kalaina A. Thorne, Remi Bardou, Christine C. Shepard, Steven B. Scyphers

American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) as wetland ecosystem carbon stock regulators

Blue carbon refers to organic carbon sequestered by oceanic and coastal ecosystems. This stock has gained global attention as a high organic carbon repository relative to other ecosystems. Within blue carbon ecosystems, tidally influenced wetlands alone store a disproportionately higher amount of organic carbon than other blue carbon systems. North America harbors 42% of tidally...
Christopher M. Murray, Tyler S. Coleman, Wray Gabel, Ken Krauss
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