HVO geologists recall their first day of the 2018 lower East Rift Zone eruption

Detailed Description
Kīlauea Volcano's 2018 lower East Rift Zone eruption was monitored around the clock by field crews of Hawaiian Volcano Observatory and other USGS scientists for three months, starting with the first fissure that erupted in Leilani Estates on May 3, 2018. Clockwise from upper left, USGS-HVO scientists walked along Leilani Avenue on May 6 to examine spatter erupted from fissures 5-6; documented the fast-moving lava flow as it exited the fissure 8 vent; photographed the fissure 8 lava channel on June 2; and measured the temperature of a fuming ground crack in Leilani Estates on May 9. USGS photos.
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