Inside of an ohia log with tunnels created by wood boring beetles
Detailed Description
Wood boring beetle tunnels inside of an ‘ōhi‘a log. Researchers are investigating if the spread of beetle frass (excrement) is a pathway for movement of a fungus that causes Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death.
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Insects as Vectors of Rapid ʽŌhiʽa Death - ROD -
Wood-boring ambrosia beetles spread Rapid ʽŌhiʽa Death - ROD - by releasing fungal spores from infected trees while digging reproductive passages. Our primary goals are to identify the community of beetles that attack ōhiʽa infected with ROD, the extent to which beetles may directly or indirectly spread the disease, understand the timing of beetle attack, and estimate how long infected trees...
Pathways for Movement and Rate of Spread of Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death on the Island of Hawai‘i
Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death (ROD) is an emerging and rapidly spreading disease of ‘ōhi‘a ( Metrosideros polymorpha), a keystone native forest tree in the Hawaiian Islands. The disease is highly pathogenic in native ‘ōhi‘a and can lead to significant mortality once symptoms become evident. This emerging pathogen is a significant threat to native forests throughout the state because of its potential impacts...
Insects as Vectors of Rapid ʽŌhiʽa Death - ROD -
Wood-boring ambrosia beetles spread Rapid ʽŌhiʽa Death - ROD - by releasing fungal spores from infected trees while digging reproductive passages. Our primary goals are to identify the community of beetles that attack ōhiʽa infected with ROD, the extent to which beetles may directly or indirectly spread the disease, understand the timing of beetle attack, and estimate how long infected trees...
Pathways for Movement and Rate of Spread of Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death on the Island of Hawai‘i
Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death (ROD) is an emerging and rapidly spreading disease of ‘ōhi‘a ( Metrosideros polymorpha), a keystone native forest tree in the Hawaiian Islands. The disease is highly pathogenic in native ‘ōhi‘a and can lead to significant mortality once symptoms become evident. This emerging pathogen is a significant threat to native forests throughout the state because of its potential impacts...