Intersections of highest-quality habitat between and among three focal bird categories

Detailed Description
Amount (km2) of not-regulated (NR; the largest circle) land allocated to conservation priority areas (CPA; the smaller circles) for five species of breeding grassland birds (GB), five species of upland-nesting waterfowl (W), and migrating whooping cranes (WC; Grus americana) for a project area defined as the Prairie Pothole Region and Northern Great Plains portions of North Dakota. Overlapping circles indicate the extent of overlap in common land assigned to CPAs for each of the three focal bird groups. The designation of not regulated was based on land not regulated under definitions of exclusion and avoidance areas for energy conversion facilities as delineated within the current North Dakota Century Code Section 28-32-02. Circle sizes are to scale. Geospatial data sources upon which values are based were accessed between April 2019 and July 2020.
Public Domain.
Shaffer, J.A., Niemuth, N.D., Loesch, C.R., Derby, C.E., Pearse, A.T., Barnes, K.W., Shaffer, T.L., and Ryba, A.J., 2022, Limited land base and competing land uses force societal tradeoffs when siting energy development: Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, v. 13, no. 1, p. 106–123; e1944-687X.