Invasive carp captured on the Wabash River
Detailed Description
Invasive carp captured on the Wabash River
Public Domain.
Correlating seasonal trends and occupancy of bigheaded carp eDNA to land use and stream characteristics
The results of this study will advance our understanding of environmental DNA (eDNA) and how eDNA signatures change as fish behavior changes over the course of the open water season. This will further develop eDNA as an easy sampling method to collect information about invading populations or cryptic species that are difficult to capture so that resource managers can be given better information to...
Correlating seasonal trends and occupancy of bigheaded carp eDNA to land use and stream characteristics
The results of this study will advance our understanding of environmental DNA (eDNA) and how eDNA signatures change as fish behavior changes over the course of the open water season. This will further develop eDNA as an easy sampling method to collect information about invading populations or cryptic species that are difficult to capture so that resource managers can be given better information to...