January 29, 2021—Kīlauea summit eruption lava lake and contour map
Detailed Description
This map of Halema‘uma‘u at the summit of Kīlauea shows 20 m (66 ft) contour lines (dark gray) that mark locations of equal elevation above sea level (asl). The map shows that the lava lake has filled 210 m (689 ft) of the crater, to an elevation of 727 m (2385 ft) asl since the eruption began at approximately 9:30 p.m. HST on December 20, 2020. Contour lines highlighted in green, purple, and blue mark the rim of Halema‘uma‘u, the edge of the eastern down-dropped block, and the rim of the 2018 collapse, respectively. Lava is expected to be within view of the Kīlauea Overlook visitor area shortly before it rises to the level of the green contour line at 800 m (2625 ft) asl. USGS map.
Public Domain.