Jezero crater, Mars
Detailed Description
Description: This is a high-resolution oblique view of the northeastern edge of the delta deposit in Jezero crater, the landing site for the Perseverance Mars rover. In the foreground, buttes of delta material stand above the crater floor. On the left and in the middle of this image, the layered rocks of the delta deposit are visible. These may be lake bed or river deposits, formed when water was flowing into the crater. The mountains in the background are the rim of Jezero crater. On the far left, the valley that cuts the crater rim and fed the delta is visible. The foreground of this image is a mosaic of multiple precisely aligned images from the HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), and has a resolution of 25 centimeters per pixel. The more distant landscape shown here is a mosaic of images from the Context Camera, also on MRO and has a resolution of 6 meters per pixel.
Public Domain.