Level 2 Aparna: Doctorate (Long Version)

Detailed Description
Inspired by her work with the CASCs, Aparna pursued a PhD in applied social science at the University of Oklahoma. She was deliberate about choosing an academic committee who understood her goals of having an “applied” dissertation, to continue working at her job with the CASC network, and to not pursue an academic career after graduating. She completed her dissertation called “Engaging with Stakeholders to Produce Actionable Science: Moving from Theory to Practice” and won the University of Oklahoma’s 2022 Provost’s Ph.D. Dissertation Award within the Social Sciences, Education, and the Professions.
Level 2 Stats:
- Health: 60
- Network: 50
- Defense: 45
- Charisma: 75
Skills: Holder of knowledge, synergy, stick-to-it-iveness, adaptability
Public Domain.