Low-Flow Frequency/Flow Duration Statcs at Continuous-Record Gages, SC
Low-Flow Frequency and Flow Duration Statistics at Continuous-Record Gages in South Carolina
South Carolina State agencies use low-flow statistics for many applications, including determining waste-load allocations for point sources, development of total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for streams, determining the quantity of water that can be safely withdrawn from a particular stream, and preparing the State Water Plan. This project will monitor the low-flow frequency and duration statistics...
Low-Flow Frequency and Flow Duration Statistics at Continuous-Record Gages in South Carolina
South Carolina State agencies use low-flow statistics for many applications, including determining waste-load allocations for point sources, development of total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for streams, determining the quantity of water that can be safely withdrawn from a particular stream, and preparing the State Water Plan. This project will monitor the low-flow frequency and duration statistics...