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Map of Mount Rainier's summit and NE slope.

1905 (approx.)

Detailed Description

Detailed map of Mount Rainier’s summit and northeast slope showing upper perimeter of Osceola collapse amphitheater (hachured line), approximate area of young summit cone (dashed line and
shaded), Emmons–Winthrop high-Sr lava flows (orange), east summit crater lava flows (red and dotted line where concealed), west summit crater (mauve), area of summit hydrothermal alteration (cross pattern), Pleistocene lava flows (green), Tertiary basement (gray), and glacial
deposits (yellow). Paleomagnetic measurement sites (pm) conducted by Vallance, TG is Tahoma Glacier. Contour interval 500 ft (152 m), index contours every 2,500 ft (762 m). Marginal ticks and internal crosses mark latitude and longitude.

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