Map of sampling locations
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Map of sampling locations
Public Domain.
Occurrence of toxic contaminant mixtures in surface water and groundwater in agricultural watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay
Issue The widespread use of pesticides and fertilizers, application of biosolids and manure, and large-scale animal feeding operations result in contaminant mixtures occurring in streams and rivers (figure 1). These nonpoint sources are affected by multiple processes (such as stream discharge, seasonality and management practices) that influence contaminant occurrence in surface and groundwater...
Occurrence of toxic contaminant mixtures in surface water and groundwater in agricultural watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay
Issue The widespread use of pesticides and fertilizers, application of biosolids and manure, and large-scale animal feeding operations result in contaminant mixtures occurring in streams and rivers (figure 1). These nonpoint sources are affected by multiple processes (such as stream discharge, seasonality and management practices) that influence contaminant occurrence in surface and groundwater...