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Map of the Uhl Hill fault in eastern Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Detailed Description

Map of the Uhl Hill fault in eastern Grand Teton National Park. Base map is a 1-meter lidar hillshade. Black arrows mark the visible fault scarp, and red lines mark locations where scarp profiles were generated from lidar data or field surveying. White lines and labels are units from the 1:100,000-scale surficial geologic map of the east half of the Jackson Lake 30' x 60' quadrangle. Surficial geologic units: gp1 = Pinedale-1 glacial till; gp2 = Pinedale-2 glacial till; f = alluvial fan deposits; a = active alluvium; l = landslide; Rsc = bedrock, slopewash, and colluvium. Inset is a shaded relief map showing figure location (blue rectangle) within the Greater Yellowstone region.


Public Domain.

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