Plot of dissolved solids at Colorado River below Cooper Wasteway
By Arizona Water Science Center
2021 (approx.)
Detailed Description
Line graph showing modeled continuous dissolved-solids concentration and sampled dissolved-solids concentration at station 09522005 (Colorado River below Cooper wasteway near Yuma, Arizona) and streamflow at station 09522000 (Colorado River at NIB, above Morelos Dam, Arizona) from January 2017 to March 2019.
Public Domain.
Estimation of dissolved-solids concentrations using continuous water-quality monitoring and regression models at four sites in the Yuma area, Arizona and California, January 2017 through March 2019
Multiple linear regression models were developed to estimate dissolved-solids concentrations in water at four sites in the Yuma area between Imperial Dam, Arizona and California and the southerly international boundary with Mexico at San Luis, Arizona. Continuous and discrete water-quality data were collected at gaging stations in the Colorado River upstream from Imperial Dam, Arizona...
Jay R. Cederberg, Nicholas V. Paretti, Alissa L. Coes, Edyth Hermosillo, Lucia Andrade
Estimation of Dissolved-Solids Concentrations Using Continuous Water-Quality Monitoring and Regression Models at Four Sites in the Yuma Area, Arizona and California
The Colorado River is controlled by an extensive system of dams and canals diverting much of the water in the United States for agricultural and municipal uses. The Water Treaty of 1944 guarantees that 1.5 million acre-feet of Colorado River water is delivered to Mexico from the United States annually. Additionally, the water delivered must meet water-quality criteria as defined in Minute 242. The...
Estimation of dissolved-solids concentrations using continuous water-quality monitoring and regression models at four sites in the Yuma area, Arizona and California, January 2017 through March 2019
Multiple linear regression models were developed to estimate dissolved-solids concentrations in water at four sites in the Yuma area between Imperial Dam, Arizona and California and the southerly international boundary with Mexico at San Luis, Arizona. Continuous and discrete water-quality data were collected at gaging stations in the Colorado River upstream from Imperial Dam, Arizona...
Jay R. Cederberg, Nicholas V. Paretti, Alissa L. Coes, Edyth Hermosillo, Lucia Andrade
Estimation of Dissolved-Solids Concentrations Using Continuous Water-Quality Monitoring and Regression Models at Four Sites in the Yuma Area, Arizona and California
The Colorado River is controlled by an extensive system of dams and canals diverting much of the water in the United States for agricultural and municipal uses. The Water Treaty of 1944 guarantees that 1.5 million acre-feet of Colorado River water is delivered to Mexico from the United States annually. Additionally, the water delivered must meet water-quality criteria as defined in Minute 242. The...