USGS and Partners install Underwater Acoustic Deterrent System in Lock 19 on the Mississippi River
Detailed Description
Scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center and the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center Environmental Lab worked with state and federal partners to design, construct, and install an experimental underwater Acoustic Deterrent System at Lock 19 (Keokuk, IA) located on the Upper Mississippi River during winter 2020-2021. Researchers are using this technology to study how Bighead, Silver, and Grass Carp respond to engineered acoustic signals, with the goal of limiting their upstream passage at pinch-point locks and dams, that is, high-head locks and dams where fish passage most likely occurs through the lock chamber. After preparing the 16-speaker array on land, the 106 foot long, 16,000 pound soundbar was lowered into the river and secured below the bottom of the lock approach channel in a discharge lateral.
Public Domain.
Photographer: Mark Cornish, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Public domain