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USGS Water-Quality Sampling at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge

Detailed Description

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists collected environmental data and samples in coastal areas affected by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  Samples of water, sediments, benthic invertebrates, and microorganisms were collected by the USGS at beach, barrier island, and wetland environments of the Gulf of Mexico coastal states before and after petroleum-associated product arrived on shore.

In this photo, Scientists Darlene Blum and Terry Petrosky from the USGS Florida Water Science Center prepare to collect water samples at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge. The samples collected will be analyzed for concentrations of volatile nd semi-volatile organic compounds, total gasoline and diesel range hydrocarbons, polycyclic  aromatic hydrocarbons, surfactant, trace elements/metals, nutrients, and dissolved organic carbon.


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