WAUSP Performance Measure #1: National Water Census
Detailed Description
In support of the SECURE Water Act and its direction to provide a more accurate assessment of the status of the water resources off the Nation, the USGS seeks to provide a nationally-consistent base layer of data that accounts for water availability and use through the National Water Census. This nationally-consistent data is critical as it becomes increasingly difficult for resource managers to understand and balance the availability of water resources that cross local and state jurisdictional boundaries. In achieving a nationally consistent layer of data, USGS water budgets provide an understandable and standard method for communicating that data. Water budgets account for the inputs, outputs, and changes in the amount of water for a particular area by breaking the water cycle into components. This measure tracks progress as the USGS develops the capability to provide baseline daily estimates for 9 water budget components across the Nation’s watersheds. With the initiation of this effort in 2018, please find a snapshot of the performance measure history and the 2022 goal aligned with the 2018-2022 DOI Strategic Plan.
*The 2022 Goal assumed level funding from FY 2017 through FY 2022.
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