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2010 IMTA USGS Historical (part 2)

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Detailed Description

The U.S. Geological Survey’s National Geospatial Program (NGP) was a significant participant in this year’s International Map and Trade Association (IMTA) Conference, September 12-14, 2010. Among the presentations and events was the USGS presentation titled: “The US Topo and USGS Historical Map Scanning Project”.

David Brostuen, Associate for Operations within the USGS National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC), and Gregory Allord, Senior Cartographer for the NGP, gave a joint presentation updating the status of the US Topo mapping product and the USGS historical map scanning project.  Presentations:

US Topo, part 1  (4:54)

US Topo, part 2  (9:04)

  • introduction of U.S. Topo features and layers
  • evolution and new features planned for 2011
  • product characteristics, key benefits, and accomplishments
  • future goals for the mapping program
  • example of U.S. Topo map vs. traditional legacy map

US Topo, part 3  (6:56)

  • demonstration and explanation of downloaded GeoPDF® map, tools, layer list, toolbar features, and Google Map It® feature
  • explanation of text searching, metadata reader, and printing/plotting feature
  • system requirements for viewing and downloading U.S. Topo maps
  • public access through USGS Store and other access pathways

Historical, part 1 (8:12)

  • overview and reasons for the quadrangle scanning project
  • explanation of goals and strategies for completion
  • product and use cases

Historical, part 2 (8:53)

  • additional strategies and tactics for completion
  • update on overall nationwide progress
  • metadata and Geo-referencing
  • automation goals and general approach
  • one year objectives and current status

Question and Answer (4:52)




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