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A2 East Transect – 2016

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Detailed Description

Permanent Site: A2 East Transect; Depth: 12.6 Meters (41.5 Feet); Distance from river mouth: Kilometers 1.8 (1.1 Miles); Pre/Post Dam Removal: 5 years post-dam removal; Lat/Long: 48.14130295, -123.58766124; Site Description: One of our deeper sites at over 40 feet. Sediment is primarily sand/sandy mud. Seaweeds have returned but are sparse with the main species being the acid kelp Desmarestia (0:34, 1:28 seconds). The bull kelp Nereocystis luetkeana seen in 2015 was absent. Bivalves are abundant, especially geoduck Panopea generosa (siphons visible in large, oval indentations left of tape at 0:20, 0:23, 0:47 seconds) and truncate softshell clams, Mya truncata (small white syphons visible at 0:53, 1:22, 2:28, 2:34 seconds). Feather duster tubeworms are still abundant, especially the species Eudistylia vancouveri (0:39 seconds), Schizobranchia insignis (around base of E. vancouveri 0:39 seconds) and Eudistylia polymorpha (0:29 seconds). Other invertebrates seen on video: burrowing anemone Halcampa decemtentaculata (small, white on left of tape 0:25 seconds), clump of eggs from the hairy triton snail Fusitriton oregonensis on E. vancouveri tubes (2:03 seconds), unknown hermit crab wearing an orange sponge, also on E. vancouveri tubes (2:05 seconds). Elwha River Nearshore, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington, USA




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