Animation of Ridgecrest Foreshock Seq up to M7.1 (Prelim. Results)
Detailed Description
This animation shows preliminary results from precise relocation of the Ridgecrest foreshock sequence, up to the the time of occurrence of the M 7.1 mainshock. The animation begins in a map view and then transitions into a rotating vertical slice. Earthquakes are colorcoded by time of occurrence, with early events in dark blue and later events (up to the M 7.1) in dark red. Larger magnitude events are shown with larger circle size. The earthquake locations show the two nearly perpendicular faults that were likely ruptured in the M 6.4 foreshock. "Holes" in the seismicity distribution (seen on both fault segments) might indicate areas of larger slip during the M 6.4 event. Activity apparently increased near the northern extent of rupture (yellow, orange, and red events) several hours prior to the M 7.1 mainshock, which initiated nearby (large dark red circle).
Public Domain.