GP1 East Transect – 2017
Detailed Description
Permanent Control Site: GP1 East Transect; Depth: 6.7 m (22.1 feet); Distance from river mouth: 19.0 Kilometers (11.8 miles) east; Pre/Post Dam Removal: 6 years post-dam removal; Lat/Long: 48.11852521,-123.31538047; Site Description: This site was established as the eastern control. Depth is medium-shallow. Substrate is mainly a gravel/sand/cobble mixture surrounding numerous large boulders. Wave surge was bad this day making visibility poor. This site always has abundant brown seaweed. Eight species of browns were recorded and mainly consisted of the perennial seaweed Pterygophora californica (0:25-0:28 seconds) and Pleurophycus gardneri (0:42 seconds). The siphon of a rough piddock (Zirfaea pilsbryi) is seen on the right of the tape at 0:33 seconds. A yellow sponge is attached to a boulder at 1:05 seconds. Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe biologist Matt Beirne is collecting data at 0:50-1:02 seconds.
Public Domain.