GP2 West Transect – 2015
Detailed Description
Permanent Control Site: GP2 West Transect; Depth: 13.0 Meters (42.6 Feet); Distance from river mouth: 18.8 Kilometers (11.6 Miles) east; Pre/Post Dam Removal: 5 years post-dam removal; Lat/Long: 48.12781102,-123.31712832; Site Description: This site was established as the eastern control. Substrate is mainly a gravel/sand/cobble mixture surrounding boulders. This year red seaweed was absent and brown seaweeds were present but not abundant. Only one species of brown seaweed was recorded, the acid kelp Desmarestia (0:24, 1:03seconds). There were numerous species of invertebrates present. Invertebrates seen on video: staghorn bryozoan Heteropora pacifica (yellow clumps on boulder at 0:36 seconds), moon snail Euspira lewisii (0:26 seconds), egg case of the moon snail Euspira lewisii (1:16seconds), giant sea cucumber Parastichopus californicus ( seconds), blood sea star Henricia leviuscula leviuscula (0:05, 1:20 seconds), sunflower sea star Pycnopodia helianthoides (0:15, 0:31 seconds), red sea urchin Strongylocentrotus franciscanus (0:29, 1:28-1:31 seconds).
Public Domain.