Hermits Peak-Calf Canyon debris flow
Detailed Description
Heavy rainfall on the afternoon of August 3, 2022 triggered a debris flow in the Hermits Peak-Calf Canyon burn area. A USGS monitoring station installed in the drainage basin captured video footage of the flow. This clip of the video shows the flow from 13:43:00 MDT to 13:45:32 MDT.
0:00 (13:43 MDT) Start of Video
0:08 (13:43:08 MDT) Trees falling from south bank of channel
0:12 (13:43:12 MDT) Trees continue falling from south bank of channel
0:25 (13:43:25 MDT) Large trees visible in channel
1:27 to 1:30 (13:44:27 to 13:44:30 MDT) Several large trees fall from south bank of channel
2:04 (13:45:04 MDT) Large tree visible in channel
2:32 (13:45:32 MDT) End of Video
Public Domain.