Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 2: Select Treatment Boundary
Detailed Description
This video describes Step 2 of the Land Treatment Exploration Tool. In Step 2 the user defines their planned treatment boundary. The user can load a zipped shapefile or on-screen digitize their boundary.
These tutorial videos were created to aid in the use of the Land Treatment Exploration Tool (LTET). These videos guide a user through the main steps of the tool. Each year, public land managers make decisions regarding restoration and rehabilitation actions that influence landscapes and ecosystems. Many of these decisions involve soil and vegetation manipulations, often known as land treatments. Land treatments include activities such as removal or alteration of plant biomass, seeding burned areas, and herbicide applications. These treatments were historically planned on a case by case basis with decisions about implementation approaches, methods, and operations derived from personal experience of past successes or failures. Modern adaptive management strategies strive to capture this local knowledge through time, both locally and regionally. In 2017, the U.S. Geological Survey partnered with the Bureau of Land Management to create the Land Treatment Exploration Tool to facilitate adaptive management of land treatments. The Exploration Tool taps into a wealth of information about past treatments in the Land Treatment Digital Library (LTDL), a catalog of information about all known treatments on public lands administered by the BLM in the Western United States.
Tutorial Video Playlist:
- Land Treatment Exploration Tool — A Quick Introduction
- Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 1: Describe Proposed Treatment
- Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 2: Select Treatment Boundary
- Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 3: Explore Site Characteristics
- Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 4: Summarize Your Proposed Treatment Area and the Developing Report
- Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 5: Select Search Parameters
- Land Treatment Exploration Tool — Step 6: Compare the LTDL Treatments
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