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One Health, One Environment: Environmental chemistry’s integrative approaches in advancing the One Health Paradigm

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One Health is a holistic approach that recognizes people's health is closely linked to the health of animals and the environment. Environmental chemistry is integral to the One Health paradigm, providing critical insights into how pollutants and chemicals in our surroundings impact ecosystems, wildlife, and human populations.  Learn how environmental chemistry has a role in interdisciplinary collaborative efforts to tackle complex environmental health challenges with this Ecosystems Mission Area Friday’s Findings presentation by Dr. Erin Pulster, Research Biologist with the USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center.


02:44 — One Health Conceptual Framework
03:27 — Adverse Outcome Pathway
04:46 — Pollinator Population Decline
05:58 — Pacific Lamprey Population Decline
06:58 — Amphibian Population Decline
08:12 — Coho Salmon and Tire wear chemicals
09:41 — Passive sampling techniques
10:23 — PFAS contamination
10:56 — Deepwater Horizon oil spill
12:06 — Animal-Human Linkage
14:13 — Toxicity testing
14:29 — Smallmouth Bass Study in detail
17:53 — Conclusion




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