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PubTalk 3/2008 — Wetland Revival

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Restoring San Francisco Bay Salt Ponds to Wetlands Habitat

A video production introduced and discussed by Steven E. Schwarzbach, Director, USGS Western Ecological Research Center

Nearly 15,000 acres of salt ponds in the southern San Francisco bay were purchased in 2003 for restoration by a partnership of Federal, State, and nonprofit organizations

This new USGS video product documents how science is playing a crucial role in restoring these wetland areas and shows that...

  • ... USGS biologists, hydrologists, and geologists are playing a crucial role in restoring these salt ponds through unprecendented restoration efforts
  • ... endangered species including the California Clapper Rail and the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse are expected to rebound as the salt marsh habitat returns
  • ... restoration of wetlands habitat in the nations's most urbanized estuary faces many challenges but is important for migration and wintering of waterfowl and shorebirds




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