Transboundary Connectivity Conservation for a Changing Climate
Detailed Description
Enhancing ecological connectivity - the degree to which landscapes facilitate the movement of the organisms within them - is a frequently recommended strategy for conserving wildlife populations into the future. This is because a primary way in which species respond to climate change is by adjusting their geographic ranges to find more suitable temperatures and adequate food supplies. However, widespread fragmentation of landscapes by human activities presents a serious obstacle to these processes, which may contribute to a decline in biodiversity, and subsequent declines in the many services healthy ecosystems provide, such as clean air and water. In order to address the need for effective connectivity management in the face of climate change, scientists teamed with land managers in the transboundary region of British Columbia and Washington State to apply the best available science directly to the information needs of those seeking to manage connectivity. The scientists and managers used conceptual models to understand and project a wide range of future impacts to habitat connectivity in the Pacific Northwest, and then identified a diverse set of possible adaptation responses to address habitat connectivity. Join this webinar to learn more about the researchers' key findings, data, and maps.
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