Understanding the Transition from NHDPlus HR to 3DHP
Detailed Description
The new 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) is the focus of USGS efforts to acquire and produce detailed surface-water mapping information, such as lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. Because fully complete 3DHP data are several years from being realized nationwide, the legacy National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and NHDPlus High Resolution (NHDPlus HR) will serve as bridge datasets and will continue to serve user requirements for many applications for the near future. This presentation will provide an overview of the final stable versions of NHD and NHDPlus HR and will introduce some derivative data products based on NHDPlus HR or older NHDPlus versions that are being developed and used within USGS and other federal agencies in support of particular applications. This presentation will clarify the relationships between several NHDPlus and NHDPlus HR derivatives and new 3DHP data that will be coming.
- 00:00 – Start
- 1:27 – Presentation Begins
- 40:56 – Presentation Ends
- 41:57 - End
- USGS 3DHP Web Pages
https://www.usgs.gov/3D-Hydrography-Program - National Map Downloader site
https://apps.nationalmap.gov/downloader - Hydrography data download links
https://usgs.gov/NHD/DataAccess - National Hydrography Tools
Public Domain.