MOU between the USGS and Department of the Interior
MOU between the USGS and Department of the Interior
- Bureau of Indian Affairs
- Bureau of Land Management
- Subject: Science in Support of Natural Resource Management Between the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Geological Survey
Date Signed: 08/28/2008 - Subject: Cooperation at the local, regional, and national levels to exchange data and information on the land use planning goals, objectives, and data needs of the BLM and the science capabilities of the USGS in assisting the BLM in meeting goals and objectives.
Date Signed: 05/29/2003 - Subject: Coordination and cooperation between the BLM and the USGS on science in support of fire management
Date Signed: 07/12/2001 - Subject: The assignment of selected USGS personnel to BLM field offices due to the RIF at the USGS.
Date Signed: 08/21/1995 - Subject: The production and exchange of cartographic products and services.
Date Signed: 09/10/1993 - Subject: Interagency Committee for Program Coordination.
Date Signed: 09/09/1982 - Subject: Procedures for complying with regulations for implementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act.
Date Signed: 11/07/1980 - Subject: Scientist and Engineer Exchange Program.
Date Signed: 03/27/1975 - Subject: Provides general framework for coordination and cooperatin between the BLM and USGS on obtaining and sharing scientific data and knowledge to facilitate the BLM's land use planning.
Date Signed: 05/29/2003
- Subject: Science in Support of Natural Resource Management Between the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Geological Survey
- Bureau of Reclamation
- Subject: Interagency Coordinating Committee.
Date Signed: 04/9/1992 - Subject: Risk assessments and design of remedial action plan related to USAF Installation Restoration Program
Date Signed: 05/31/1988 - Subject: Roles and responsibilities for work associated with the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigation.
Date Signed: 01/21/1986 - Subject: Procedures for exchange of geologic, seismologic, and hydrologic information relevant to site selection, design, and review for BuRec facilities.
Date Signed: 01/30/1978 - Subject: Procedures for coordination of aerial photography and topographic mapping.
Date Signed: 06/19/1963
- Subject: Interagency Coordinating Committee.
- Minerals Management Service
- Subject: Share resources and facilities in support of training and employee development functions and activities
Date Signed: 11/04/1994 - Subject: Implementing responsibilities under Secretarial Order No. 3071, as amended, to provide for joint coordination of activities on the Outer Continental Shelf and the Exclusive economic zone.
Date Signed: 09/01/1988
- Subject: Share resources and facilities in support of training and employee development functions and activities
- National Park Service
- Subject: Cooperation in the NAWQA Program.
Date Signed: 01/25/1994
- Subject: Cooperation in the NAWQA Program.
- Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
- Subject: Interagency Committee for Program Coordination.
Date Signed: 08/10/1987
- Subject: Interagency Committee for Program Coordination.
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- Subject: FWS/USGS for Strengthening the Science/Management Relationship in Landscape-Level Conservation of Fish, Wildlife and their Habitats
Date Signed: 01/11/2010 - Subject: Interagency program coordination.
Date Signed: 05/28/1997 - Subject: NAWQA program cooperation.
Date Signed: 11/01/1990
- Subject: FWS/USGS for Strengthening the Science/Management Relationship in Landscape-Level Conservation of Fish, Wildlife and their Habitats