National Digital Trails Newsletter - Winter 2023
Welcome to the Winter 2023 edition of the National Digital Trails newsletter. We hope you have been enjoying some winter hiking!
“Every trail, however erratic and circuitous, is a kind of life-line, a trajectory of growth.” - Tim Ingold, The Perception of the Environment: Essays on Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill.
Through its Trails Stewardship Initiative, OpenStreetMap US is leading efforts to support responsible mapping of trails on recreational land in the United States
See the article below by Maggie Cawley, Jess Beutler, and Diane Fritz from OpenStreetMap summarizing their efforts to support responsible mapping of trails.
TRAILS (Trail Routing, Analysis, and Information Linkage System) Tricks: AOI size and Analysis resolution
When choosing an analysis resolution for your trail planning project in TRAILS, consider the size and location of your Area of Interest (AOI). Learn more about resolution options and how to create a strategy for working with large project areas.
OnDemand Topos Join USGS National Map Offerings
The newest USGS topographic map web application gives the public the opportunity to create custom topographic maps on demand. The online application is called topoBuilder and the output maps are known as OnDemand Topos. Dynamic output maps contain the latest USGS National Map data, including trails.
Federal Trail GIS Schema - Leveraging a Unified Strategy
The Federal Trail GIS Schema Working Group is excited to announce the Federal Trail GIS Schema (FTGS) template is now publicly available for anyone to use. To learn more, see the article by Kerry Shakarjian from the National Park Service below.
Upcoming Training and Presentations
Learn about upcoming training opportunities and what we are doing next!
National Digital Trails Newsletters and Subscription List
The National Digital Trails team uses self-service subscription list and online newsletter.
Request for User Input to the National Digital Trails Newsletters
We would like to hear your stories about TRAILS projects, using USGS trails data, or sharing your special trail photos.
Trail photo of the month
Winter view of the Courtois Creek Section of the Ozark Trail at the Huzzah Conservation Area.