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Check out these presentations at the AFS meeting from leadership and staff of the National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers! 

Are you participating in the 2020 American Fisheries Society Virtual Annual Meeting (September 14 - September 25, 2020)? The 2020 AFS conference is an opportunity for participants to learn the latest fisheries science from on-demand papers and posters, symposia and contributed paper sessions, in addition to live programming to interact with colleagues from across North America and around the world. Check out these presentations from leadership and staff of the National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers! 


Staudinger measuring a dolphinfish at the Annual Ducks Fishing tournament in Morehead City, North Carolina.
Staudinger measuring a dolphinfish at the Annual Ducks Fishing tournament in Morehead City, North Carolina.

National CASC

Title: Inland fish and fisheries integral to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Session: Presentation 

Organizers: Abigail Lynch


Title: The Hidden Contribution of Recreationally Caught Fish to the Food Supply in the United States

Session: Presentation

Contributor: Doug Beard


Title: The Fish and Climate Change (FiCli) Database Informs Climate Change Adaptation and Management Actions for Freshwater Fishes 

Session: Presentation (IP-121198) 

Contributors: Bonnie Myers


Title: The U.S. Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog (CreelCat): Development, Applications and Opportunities

Session: Presentation 

Contributors: Nick Sievert


Northeast CASC

Title: The Role of Sand Lances (Ammodytes sp.) in the Northwest Atlantic Ecosystem 

Session: Forage Fish and Climate Adaptation: Updates on Science and Management

Authors: Michelle Staudinger

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