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CASC Presentations at the 2018 American Fisheries Society (AFS) Meeting

Check out these presentations at the AFS meeting from leadership and staff of the National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers! 

Are you attending the 2018 American Fisheries Society meeting (August 18-23, 2018) in Atlantic City, NJ? Check out these presentations from leadership and staff of the National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers! Hope to see you there!

Native westslope cutthroat trout swim in the north fork of the Flathead River in northwestern Montana.
Native westslope cutthroat trout swim in the north fork of the Flathead River in northwestern Montana. This region is recognized as a range-wide stronghold for genetically pure westslope cutthroat trout. However, rainbow trout invasion and hybridization threatens these populations. Credit: Jonny Armstrong. 

Sunday, August 19

Workshop: Monsters of Climate Science Workshop

Co-organizers: Doug Beard (National CASC), Abigail Lynch (National CASC), and Michelle Staudinger (Northeast CASC)

Time:12:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Location: Atlantic City Convention Center - 320

Click here to view the flyer!

Monday, August 20

Symposium: Fisheries Research Networks: Spanning Borders to Solve Global Fisheries Problems

Moderator and Organizer: Abigail J. Lynch (National CASC)

Time: 10:00 AM - 05:20 PM

Location: Atlantic City Convention Center - 410

Oral presentation: Infish: Leading the Valuation and Assessment of Inland Fisheries through an Informal Research Network

Contributors: Abigail J. Lynch (National CASC), Doug Beard (National CASC), David Bo Bunnell (National CASC researcher)

Time: 11:00 - 11:20 AM

Symposium: Engaging the Next Generation of Fisheries Scientists: Strategies for Student Subunits of AFS

Time: 10:00AM - 5:20PM

Location: Atlantic City Convention Center - 417

Oral Presentation: The North Carolina State University Student Fisheries Society: Strategies for Building and Maintaining a Successful Subunit

Contributors: Emilee E. Briggs (2018-19 Global Change Fellow), Stephen W. Parker, William R. Cope, April D. Lamb, Riley M. Gallagher (2018 Global Change Fellow)

Time: 2:00 - 2:20PM

Poster: Impacts of Urbanization on Freshwater Fishes on the Upper Neuse Watershed 

Authors: Emilee E. Briggs (Global Change Fellow) and Jesse R. Fischer

Time: 6:00 - 8:30 PM

Session: Best Student Papers and Poster Session

Location: Atlantic City Convention Center - 417

Poster: Estimating Stock Structure of Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) Using Acoustic Telemetry and Population Genetics

Authors: Riley M. Gallagher (Global Change Fellow), Jacob R. Krause, Joseph Cimino, Jeffrey A. Buckel

Time: 6:00 - 8:30 PM

Session: Poster Presentations

Location: Atlantic City Convention Center - Hall B

Tuesday, August 21

Symposium: Assessing Research Needs and Identifying Best Practices for Producing Science Relevant to the Management of Fish Habitat in Forests and Grasslands

Time: 1:40 - 5:20PM

Location: Atlantic City Convention Center - 309

Oral Presentation: Improving Fisheries Science and Management in a Warming World: Examples from the Climate Science Centers

Authors: Michelle D. Staudinger (Northeast CASC), Stephen Jackson (Southwest CASC), Keith Nislow (Northeast CASC researcher), Jordan Read (Northeast CASC researcher), and John Sheppard (Northeast CASC researcher)

Time: 3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

Wednesday, August 22

Symposium: Extreme Events and Inland Fish

Co-Organizers: Abigail Lynch (National CASC), Bonnie Myers (National CASC), and Emily Argo (National CASC Researcher)

Time: 9:40 AM - 03:20 PM

Location: Atlantic City Convention Center - 318

Oral Presentation: Hydrological Feast or Famine: Impacts of Drought and Hurricanes on Caribbean Fish Assemblages

Contributors: Thomas J. Kwak (Faculty Affiliate), Bonnie Myers (National CASC, Global Change Fellow), and Abigail Lynch (National CASC)

Time: 2:00 - 2:20PM

Thursday, August 23

Symposium: Emergent properties of aquatic, coastal, and marine ecosystems due to climate change

Co-Organizers: Michelle D. Staudinger (Northeast CASC) and Abigail J. Lynch (National CASC)

Time: 10:00 AM - 05:40 PM

Location: Atlantic City Convention Center - 318

Oral presentation: Emergent Properties of Aquatic and Marine Ecosystems Due to Climate Change: An Overview of the Current State of Knowledge

Contributor: Michelle D. Staudinger (Northeast CASC)

Time: 10:00 - 10:20 AM

Oral presentation: Hypotheses from Recent Assessments of Climate Impacts to Marine and Freshwater Biodiversity and Ecosystems in the United States

Contributors: Abigail J. Lynch, Shawn L. Carter, Bonnie J. E. Myers, Madeleine A. Rubenstein and Laura M. Thompson (National CASC)

Time: 10:20 - 10:40 AM

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