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Indigenous communities from the Arctic and Southwestern U.S. have come together to respond to environmental extremes. Their network response to the COVID-19 crisis may help them better prepare for future climate conditions. 

recently published article in Eos describes how a team of Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, community members, and leaders from the Alaskan and Canadian Arctic and sub-Arctic and the U.S. Southwest have joined forces to coproduce food sovereignty solutions in the face of emerging crises through the Indigenous Foods Knowledges Network (IFKN). Recognizing the similar challenges they face to maintain food sovereignty, The two regions have been brought together by the similar challenges they face with  food resilience and sovereignty. This closeness has allowed them to quickly react to the pandemic. The IFKN received a rapid response grant from NSF, which will allow them to study the effects of COVID-19 on food access for Indigenous communities. Southwest CASC Tribal Climate Science Liaison Althea Walker also noted that “Overall, addressing these vulnerabilities that have become apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic allows us to be better prepared for other crises, like the climate crisis”. 

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