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Dr. Erin Burkett presents "Summer of Safety" Seminar for Capital Group

Dr. Erin Burkett presents "Summer of Safety" Seminar for Capital Group

On July 23rd, SAFRR staff scientist Dr. Erin Burkett gave an invited presentation "Understanding Your Earthquake Risk in Southern California" as part of a "Summer of Safety" brown bag lunch series for employees and safety team members of Capital Group, a company in downtown LA serving investors and financial institutions. For an audience of about 100 attendees in a lecture hall on the 55th floor of the downtown Los Angeles Bank of America high-rise, Dr. Burkett gave an overview of earthquake science along with risk specific to Southern California, shared current updates on projects underway including development efforts for Earthquake Early Warning, provided links to SAFRR and USGS resources for scientific and preparedness information, and addressed a variety of questions following the talk. For questions or more information contact: Erin Burkett,

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