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Science Application for Risk Reduction

Our SAFRR team focuses on building partnerships to improve the use of natural hazards information. We identify information needs and gaps and develop new products that make our science more available to users such as emergency managers, community members, or decision-makers. These efforts increase public safety and reduce economic losses caused by natural hazards.


USGS partners with Havasupai Tribe to identify potential contaminant exposure pathways from Grand Canyon uranium mining

USGS partners with Havasupai Tribe to identify potential contaminant exposure pathways from Grand Canyon uranium mining

The Monitor Newsletter - Vol. 12 | Issue July 2023 - Vol. 12 | Issue July 2023

The Monitor Newsletter - Vol. 11 | Issue May 2023


The HayWired Earthquake Scenario—Societal Consequences

The HayWired earthquake scenario, led by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), anticipates the impacts of a hypothetical moment magnitude 7.0 earthquake on the Hayward Fault. The fault runs along the east side of California’s San Francisco Bay and is among the most active and dangerous in the United States, passing through a densely urbanized and interconnected region. A scientifically...
Anne M. Wein, Joseph L. Jones, Laurie A. Johnson, Cynthia Kroll, Jennifer A. Strauss, David Witkowski, Dale A. Cox

The HayWired earthquake scenario—Earthquake hazards

The HayWired scenario is a hypothetical earthquake sequence that is being used to better understand hazards for the San Francisco Bay region during and after an earthquake of magnitude 7 on the Hayward Fault. The 2014 Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities calculated that there is a 33-percent likelihood of a large (magnitude 6.7 or greater) earthquake occurring on the...

The HayWired Earthquake Scenario

ForewordThe 1906 Great San Francisco earthquake (magnitude 7.8) and the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake (magnitude 6.9) each motivated residents of the San Francisco Bay region to build countermeasures to earthquakes into the fabric of the region. Since Loma Prieta, bay-region communities, governments, and utilities have invested tens of billions of dollars in seismic upgrades and retrofits...
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