Friday's Findings - August 20th 2021
Assessing Migration and Survival of Pacific Salmon in Impounded Rivers of the Pacific Northwest, USA
Date: August 20, 2021 from 2-2:30 p.m. eastern time
Speaker: Toby Kock, Research Fish Biologist, USGS Western Fisheries Research Center
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Summary: Large dams have been constructed on most river systems where Pacific salmon reside in the Pacific Northwest, United States. These dams have substantial effects on anadromous fish species by limiting access to important habitats, creating reservoirs in reaches that were formerly riverine, and causing injury or mortality to significant numbers of fish that pass through these projects. Research focused on evaluating movement and survival of juvenile and adult Pacific salmon is of critical importance in the region to provide resource managers with the information needed to implement modifications to dams and their operations to minimize negative effects. Researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey’s Western Fisheries Research Center specialize in conducting active telemetry studies to assess various aspects of migration behavior and survival in impounded river systems in the Pacific Northwest (and elsewhere). This presentation will provide an overview of the research techniques which have been developed and used and provide examples of key findings which have been used to improve conditions for Pacific salmon populations affected by dams.
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