July 8, 2020 CDI Monthly Meeting
The July 2020 Monthly Virtual Meeting will have presentations from USGS Science Analytics & Synthesis on Tools for USGS Science Data Management and from the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) on the Mobile Awareness GEOINT Environment (MAGE) and MapCache mobile apps.
Join us at our monthly meeting on July 8, 2020, from 11:00am - 12:30pm Eastern Time.
The topics and speakers are:
It's July 2020: Do you know what your data are doing? SAS Science Data Management: Contributing to USGS progress in management of scientific data - Viv Hutchison, USGS
Field Data Collection using NGA's free and open source Mobile Awareness GEOINT Environment (MAGE) and MapCache Mobile Apps - Ben Foster and Justin Connelly, NGA
More information, including how to join, on the meeting wiki page.
Summaries of previous CDI Monthly Meetings can be seen on the CDI Blog at:
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