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Mapping Challenge Update (01/21/21): City / Town Halls in CA & NV

January 21, 2021

Volunteers continue to make headway on this challenge with another 40 points added since last week.  However, there are a handful of communities in the metropolitan areas that still need a point. See our spatial analyses for tips on which communities these may be. 

See the original post from January 7th, 2021 for tips and tricks.


Remaining Communities  

We performed a spatial overlay between US Census's Incorporated Places dataset and all the city / town hall features collected to date. There are a few incorporated places in these states that do not yet have a city/town hall point inside their bounaries; the maps below highlight these communities.  NOTE that this does not mean every one of these communities is missing a point.  It is possible that some of these communities do not have a building that fits our definition of a city / town hall while others may have already been collected but their city / town hall falls outside of their corporate boundary.  Please help us research these communities and determine if a city / town hall exists!



TNMCorps Mapping Challenge: City/Town Halls in CA & NV (IncPl)
TNMCorps Mapping Challenge: The labeled communities on this map represent incorporated places in California and Nevada that have a population greater than 100 but do not yet have a city/town hall within their corporate boundaries (public domain).


San Francisco Metropolitan Area 

TNMCorps Mapping Challenge: City/Town Halls in CA & NV (IncPl SanFran)
TNMCorps Mapping Challenge: The labeled communities on this map represent incorporated places in the San Francisco metropolitan area that have a population greater than 100 but do not yet have a city/town hall within their corporate boundaries (public domain).


Los Angeles Metropolitan Area

TNMCorps Mapping Challenge: City/Town Halls in CA & NV (IncPl LosAng)
TNMCorps Mapping Challenge: The labeled communities on this map represent incorporated places in the Los Angeles metropolitan area that have a population greater than 100 but do not yet have a city/town hall within their corporate boundaries (public domain).



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