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Photo and Video Chronology - Kīlauea - July 12, 2003

July 12, 2003

Early morning lava on Pulama pali

photo of lave
Compare these two images with those taken from same place on July 6. Note how far the Kohola has advanced. Predawn view of three surface lobes of lava on Pulama pali. Near left edge is Kohola arm of Mother's Day flow. In center is barely visible west-side lobe of main Mother's Day flow. Near right edge is collection of incandescent areas in east-side lobe. Distance from Kohola to east-side lobe is about 2 kmeters.


photo of lave
Compare these two images with those taken from same place on July 6. Note how far the Kohola has advanced. East-side lobe of main Mother's Day flow.
photo of lave
Higher magnification of channels on steep slope.

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