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Photo and Video Chronology - Kīlauea - June 29, 2016

June 29, 2016

Flow front reaches base of pali, burning vegetation


The flow front was reaching the base of the pali today, burning vegetation in the adjacent kipuka. The front consisted of ‘A‘ā that was fed by a narrow channel extending down the steep section of the pali.
A mango tree is surrounded by the ‘A‘ā flow.
The flow front as it approaches another mango tree.
The flow front was supplied by a narrow channelized section on the steep portion of the pali.
A close-up of clinker at the flow front.
Another view of the flow front, contrasting the hot fluid core of the flow (red) with the brittle clinker (black) that forms the flow exterior.
A video of the flow front moving through vegetation.

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